Protestantes Alabama en QuimicaCristiana

Red social de Cristianos
Protestantes en Alabama

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Miembros registrados:

24 años de Alabama.
i moved to the usa last year, now i am studying in college as a programmer. i am a christian girl and its important for me. i am looking for female friends, and also help my boyfriend´s friend in finding the girl of his dreams.

49 años de Alabama.
amo a jesús

36 años de Alabama.
what i am seeking is a man as laid out in proverbs --. a man who is strong (but not overbearing), loyal, respectful, kind and sweet. that carry himself like the king he is in all situations. that arouse my intellect as well as physical desires. looking for that right person that i can share my entire self with. somebody that is not afraid to be loved as well express love..i seek for a serious and long term relationship,someone i can spend the rest of my life with.

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