Otras iglesias Michigan en QuimicaCristiana

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Otras iglesias en Michigan

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Miembros registrados:

33 años de Michigan.
hola a todos dios les bendiga

28 años de Michigan.
i´m really bad at these so please forgive me. well first and foremost i am a virgin waiting for marriage and i refuse to do anything before marriage. i´ve said that first because i don´t want to give people hope and it would be dishonest of me not to put out that information. i have ptsd and seizures along with some other stuff.

32 años de Michigan.
hoy en día es difícil pero no imposible encontrá el amor verdadero honestidad felicidad y a una mujer que comparta la vida con todo lo bonito de ella y también lo procesos difícil si tú buscas eso empezamos bien y así de bien no irá en la vida junticos y inseparables como dios manda

44 años de Michigan.
i´m a christian and a conservative with - girls aged -, - - (-0/-0 custody from a divorce). i´m very organized, structured, and tidy. i own my own condo car. i am an extrovert and enjoy a good conversation. my girls keep me busy but i do my best to get out when i can. a strong christian faith is important to me.

49 años de Michigan.
i like to have a woman i can start to have ... with

24 años de Michigan.
as a christian mother of two young children, i am deeply devoted to my faith and passionate about pursuing my education in -d animation.

40 años de Michigan.
look help mate real wife l ..

18 años de Michigan.
im mary :) christan **** michigan looking for friends to study the bible with:)

30 años de Michigan.
ask before jumping to conclusions... i´m looking for an additional wife. it was her idea and we are both straight so i come with a solid referral (i can even give you her number). no drama and we are an established family. i can point out many references from the bible if you think it´s wrong if it´s a m... conundrum. mainly want to build a larger family and have an awesome support group.

55 años de Michigan.
i’m loving honest and loyal

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